• info@uhai.co.ke
  • +254728341337

Terms & Conditions

Right to use the portal is personal and non-exclusive, and it is for the sole purpose of access to services by Uhai.

Intellectual Property

You acknowledge and agree that the portal, the services granted through the use of the portal, the name Uhai, all logos and other related products and all other material, are the property of Uhai and are thus protected as copyright and trademarks and therefore the intellectual property of Uhai.

Uhai by these terms does not authorize you or any person claiming under you in any manner whatsoever, the use of its property as herein stated, without its prior written consent. Therefore your use of the Services confers no title or ownership and all ownership rights remain in Uhai.

Waiver/ Consent

The purpose of the portal is to ease grant of access to services by Uhai and in order to achieve that purpose, you will be required to provide data and personal information.

Your use of the portal and in providing such data and information, you waive your right to privacy over the provided information and data and grant to Uhai consent to process and transmit that information to its representatives, it employees, agents and other relevant third parties.

Uhai will in processing and transmitting the provided information take all measures to protect the information and observe the provisions of the law as provided.

Personal Information

The personal information Uhai will collect may include your biodata and that of your registered family members and that data includes, names, Identity Card Numbers, KRA PIN, postal and email address, telephone numbers.

For application for medical insurance-related services, personal information required may include answers to health queries, use and need for medications, details of your chronic conditions and of those of family members, details of previous surgeries done by you and other members and that you may be required by need of full disclosure, to upload medical documents in evidence of such medical information